Rant Post

I wonder what I will be when I grow up.

And when I worry about the future, I don't think of things like "Will I be happy?", because I know I will. I will MAKE myself happy. Balls to you, Destiny.
What I do wonder about is how much of me will be like my parents. Studying genetics keeps me in a perpetual state of bewilderment, because I know that everything I do is from one of them, and yet, it is something that I do. I find it fascinating how none of me is actually unique (genotypically), but then strangely, I am nothing like my parents (phenotypically). Or so I feel.
I do not want to grow up to be my parents. Actually, I don't want to grow up and be anyone else but me, but that's a stupid thing to say. Diversity is awesome and all, but there are finite permutations and combinations that behaviours can manifest themselves in, and as such, therefore, there is a infinitesimally small chance that I shall be unlike EVERYONE else. Besides, if I was different from EVERYONE else, I'd be kind of lonely. Individualistic, but still a teeny bit lonely. But if I had a choice, and I could pick who I DIDN'T want to be, I would ensure that I un-emulate my parents. It would be a little bit of an evolutionary travesty if I failed to be an individual and simply was a carrier of identical everythings from Parental Generation to Filial Generation. Besides, I'd probably hate myself.
Not implying, of course, that I hate the parents. I don't. And I do. As is the case with every Parent-Child Relationship. It's a Yes, and a No, but Rarely a Maybe. It's black and it is white.

It has been a long while since I ranted on my blog, and while I do feel bad about not having the Michael Phelps picture as the opening post, I'm glad I wrote this. I know that this post, in retrospect and for the uninitiated, will be rather incoherent, but you know what? I don't care.

P.S. - I'm aware that the parts about genetics and diversity are not completely accurate. What I talk of is simply my view/interpretation, so don't flame me for not being Galton.


  1. KD said...
    genetics or destiny,screw it all. lets jus sit back have a shot and enjoy,comare-chill kor:P
    VelocityGirl (tm) said...
    Ki chill korbo? Shot-ta kothai, sala, shob shomoi shot-er kotha bolish kintu kokhono ami kono shot peyechi tor theke?

    And excuuuuse me for my grammatically flawed Bangla. Bah.
    KD said...
    arre,my exams are over,you say-chol wednesday?
    Vikrant Dadawala said...
    I like this post. Reminds me of me. But thats not a good thing though.
    VelocityGirl (tm) said...
    vikrant -
    eh. i'll live with it. :P

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