Why 'ello 'ello there.

My name is Nick Stropko. Or Stropko. Or Jesus-lovin'-white-boy, depending on who you talk to. I'm 16, and I live in the famed Orange County, California. I'm a bit of an odd one (one of the prerequisites to writing on this blog, of course), as I like a combination of playing/writing songs on my piano, writing lyrics that I can never write a satisfactory piano part for, messing around on my computy box, and generally geeking out. Oh, and listening to music is also a huge part of my life. I don't want to get too much into who I am, as I feel it would be better to let my personality develop over the course of my blogging career (would be considered a career?...oh well), so just be expecting some posts fairly frequently from me in the future. Be expecting updates soon!



  1. VelocityGirl (tm) said...
    You misspelt 'infamous' on your tag.
    Stropko said...
    Changed. Thanks.
    Azuria said...
    'ello 'ello there to you too ^_^

    @sahana : comment on SOME of my other posts...I love comments too >.<

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