For Some Reason, I Can't Explain It...

For some reason, I am not studying Biology. The damned "b" key isn't working on my keyboard anymore, except when I jab it with extreme force. 

I feel extremely useless, even more than on regular days. Sometimes, when I feel like this, I go to sleep, but yesterday, I slept for fifteen hours (yes, that long.) and now I feel like Superman. I want to DO something, only I feel rather incapacitated by my laziness. 

I do not want to study Bio. I shall study it later. 

I do not want to watch television. There is nothing interesting. I would like it if they aired an Ugly Betty rerun right about now. I love that show so much.

My mother has gone to some whole-sale cloth selling place. I don't even WANT to comment.

I do not want to call up anyone and talk on the phone. I do not like talking on the phone. It makes me feel very disembodied. And only people who don't know that ever call me up.

There is nothing on Facebook that I haven't already seen.

Even Stropko, the wonderfully-insomniac (Jesus-lovin'-White-Boy), seems to be either asleep, or otherwise incapable of instant-messaging services.  Bah. Even Anushka isn't online. She's probably learning and re-learning her Psycho.

And I have an intense need to bite my fingernails, but I am trying to grow them (my fingernails), and the two needs are toying with my brain.

My Whole World Is Dead, I Tell You.

Agh. I wish the weather would stay like this forever. So comfortably icy. Also, I wish Snow Patrol would just hurry up and release their album. I want some new songs.

And I wish the Pujos would hurry up and come. I can't wait for the dhakis to begin playing, and the food, and the lighting, and the fact that no one really cares about how much you eat, not even your own digestive system.

PS - Because Anushka said so, I'm upping my font size from "smallest" to "small". Pff.


  1. cry freedom said...
    and i'd say that u do not know how close i feel to all that u said.
    nobody's free to go out, i'm tired of watching tv, parents not in town, psycho is pissing off and everything's just so mundane!!
    Anushka said...
    Anushka is not learning and re-learning her psycho. Anushka has completed reading 'The Hollow' by Agatha Christie (she LOVED it), attended Elective English tuitions because they are just so much fun, is enjoying the weather and exploring Google Chrome.

    VelocityGirl (tm) said...
    I'm so frustrated its not funny. This coming from someone who just took a trip.

    Shut up. I believe you, but still.

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