Genesis and the Apocalypse

Genesis -
The crackling of an unfurling thought,
As curls of graphite form on a page.
Stroke upon stroke, scrawl withing scrawl,
Out of nothing, something is born.
Disjointed scramblings of an idea flying past,
The hurry to capture it before it splatters on the wall behind.
And loops and arcades, crosses and a scratch,
Words transform to sentences quivering with meaning,
The ink is still wet, but it dries with a brief glimmer of light.

Eyebrows furrow , searching for complexity
To lend a hidden meaning to what is to come,
Looking to impress the one before,
Conning and convoluting for a false sense of intellect.
Intellect is in simplicity,
But no one knows that yet.

And so the sputters, the fits and starts -
And the page begins to fill.
In a trance, sentences paragraph themselves,
And pages turn hurriedly and the nib hammers out
Lines and loops, curves and slopes
Falling over, spilling over -
And the blankness is filled with all that you had to say.
A satisfied sigh.

Apocalypse -
Darting eyes full of extinguished embers of a pretend fire,
Disillusionment spreads.
And with the terse fistful of paper,
It is the end of a world.


  1. Maximum Boy said...
    i wouldn't change it a bit. analyzing this would only do injustice to it.
    (*winks at the author*)
    VelocityGirl (tm) said...
    there really isnt much to analyze... its that kind of prosepoetrywhatever that you read and think it means something else, but go by face value. its about writing something. end.

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