Listen Up, Y'all.




I have made a startling discovery. The more I sleep, the less rested I am.


Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

So here's the story. When my dad came to visit a couple of months ago, the expected happened. He and my mum had an argument, and for some reason, that made my dad want to visit this giant bookstore near our house, and since I was a wastrel around the house even back then, I went with him, hoping I'd get some supplies in the bargain. And I did. Bestowed upon me was a wonderful sketchbook with 160 creamy texturised pages, that were comfortably smooth to allow happy shading, but smooth enough not to screw up your drawing. (I even blogged about this book when I just got it in this post). And then I spent many a happy day, making exactly THREE pieces of art, that too, not even for myself. Then, like an idiot, I lost it.

It would have been alright had I known WHEN I lost it, thereby making it easier for me to FIND it, but I don't even know when exactly it was lost, so I don't even know where to begin. I miss my sketchbook very much, even more because the mother has chastised me for being irresponsible and I'm not going to be given a replacement. 

The sketchbook is largish (slightly larger than your average A4 sheet) with a white cover and cardboard back. It has a Mountain Lion on the cover. The first page is blank with a margin, the second page has the face-portrait of a man that I never finished, the third page has a sketch of two people coloured in 60s style, and the fourth page has a rather elaborate pencil-outlined-with-ink drawing. I have not written my name on it (yes, I am rather stupid in such matters). If you find it, will you PLEASE let me know?

I miss my sketchbook. I never did much, but at least there was that little glowing bubble of knowing that if I ever felt like drawing, there was a very nice sketchbook waiting patiently for when I am truly inspired. It's not fair. I didn't even complain when I lost my Macbeth text before the exam and had to improvise my answers, I didn't whine even once. Because it didn't really matter to me, that Macbeth book. But my sketchbook really, really matters, and I am very, very depressed. I miss my sketchbook very much.

Carmen Sandiego, won't you return?

Playlist - 
This River is Wild - The Killers
Crazy in Love - Snow Patrol
Sexy Boy - Franz Ferdinand (Listen to this one, it may just seriously beat "Michael" as my favourite song by them)

I know I keep posting my most recently-played songs all the time, and it's often kind of horrifyingly cute how Snow Patrol pops into all of it all the time, but this is truly, truly disturbing. All iPods have an auto-playlist where the Most-Played 25 get gathered together to fuel your obsession further, and THIS is what my list (in order, I think?) looks like - 

Woman Like A Man - Damien Rice (Bloody Fantastic.)
The Planets Bend Between Us - Snow Patrol (Best chorus, ever.)
The Golden Floor - Snow Patrol (Un-Snow Patrol Snow Patrol)
Michael - Franz Ferdinand (You saw this coming.)
Lifeboats - Snow Patrol (I didn't know I liked it that much.)
An Olive Grove Facing the Sea - Snow Patrol (Instruction Guide for all Elementary Stalking.)
Unplayed Piano - Damien Rice (It's a song for Peace, that means I give a damn.)
Set the Fire to the Third Bar - Snow Patrol, Martha Wainwright (Again, not unexpected.)
Crack the Shutters - Snow Patrol (Shut up)
Accidental Babies - Damien Rice (Again, Shush.)
Butterflies and Hurricanes - Muse (It's all good until you hear me try to sing the piano bit.)
Grazed Knees - Snow Patrol (Whaaatt? Stop staring at me.)
Whipping - Pearl Jam (I'm as relieved as you are, believe you me.)
Somewhere Only We Know - Keane (Sure.)
Crushcrushcrush - Paramore (Why yes, I like Paramore. Bite me.)
Party for Two - Shania Twain, Mark McGrath (*squeals, runs away and hides*)
If There's A Rocket, Tie Me To It - Snow Patrol (Aw, Here it goes again)
In Command of Cars - Snow Patrol (This is a little scary, innit?)
Possum Kingdom - The Toadies (Yay!)
Lazy Sunday (SNL) - Chris Parnell, Andy Samberg (If you can call it a song...)
All You Need is Love - The Beatles ("She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah!")
The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice (The first Rice song I ever heard. )
Rootless Tree - Damien Rice (If you knew the chorus, you'd get why it's often played. I dare you, Google it.)
I'll Make a Man Out of You - Mulan Soundtrack (Oh God. Oh No.)
Cold Water - Damien Rice (This list is over. Do not attach any value judgements, ok?)

This is scary, it really is. Although it is somewhat funny to find one of SNL's Digital Short raps on the list, and yes, it is a little mortifying to find that song from Mulan (but hey, atleast it's classic Disney), there is just too much of DR and SP.

I thought I was diverse and all. But I'm just a obsessed maniac. 

Eh well.

Care for a Smoke?

Adt got mint cigarettes to school today. Remember when we were little, there were minty ciggies that came in a disgustingly green box with a cheap picture of Charlie Chaplin? And they were red-tipped? She found those. I ate two of them, and I still want more.

And they cost about Rs.4 for ten. 

Playlist - 
Shout - The Temptations (!!)
Jigsaw Falling into Place - Radiohead
The Lightning Strike - SP (!)