Its been a while since I wrote here, and although I keep forgetting, there is a definite sense of satisfaction that I get when I go clickety-clack on the keyboard with the faint hum of Snow Patrol music from the speakers behind.
Today seems to be very tranquil somehow, like the end of something big that's left a void. Now what caused that is still a mystery. There is a new light that's been installed in my room, and it glows so bright that it actually hurts my eyes.
And so, when I shut my eyes, I go into a whole different world.
There is a faint red beam that dissolves into nothingness, which is probably some visual retention of the light. Gary Lightbody sings behind, and the Eyes Open album croons. (If you don't know already, Eyes Open is my most favourite album, ever.) There are little electronic beeps intermittently as people IM me, and I hear the distant sounds of Marisa Cooper's latest dilemma on the OC. On the street, two people talk gaily of nothingness; they've missed this pointless banter. A dog howls out under the streetlight, and the two-year-old child who lives in the apartment below mine howls too, only for chocolate. The fan drones monotonously, like a very low bass chord for the proceedings.
Its been a while since I felt at such peace with myself - the weekend has been torturous, and not just in the scholastic sense. I've returned to the Snow Patrol playlist after a long while; and its a marked change from the prog-rock I've been hooked to for some time now. Its nice to hear music that emphasises on vocals than guitar riffs, and I'm a little happy to not be listening to frenetic drum solos. (I'm sorry Neil Peart and Mr. Bozzio, I will be back.)
I have to go to school again tomorrow, to give a Chemistry paper, and honestly, even my obvious anti-omniscience does not bother me anymore. Maybe, I'll speak in class tomorrow.
I realised I sound sober; taser-ed and tranquilised, even, in this post.
Things do strange things to People.