Artsy Eskimo Lover.

It's not that great, but it kind of fit in with the lyrics from "What if this Storm Ends?", Part One of Lightning Strike, from A Hundred Million Suns. (Yes, I'm that obsessed. I wanted to draw Golden Floor, but I need time for that. And I have LOTS of artwork to finish first.)

Under the girl, the lyrics are - "The perfect halo of cold hair and lightning sets you off against the Planet's last dance."
And for the dude, the lyrics are - "Just for a minute, the silver forked sky lit you up like a star that I would follow."

Also, if you're up for some pretty lyrics, please see the chorus of "The Planets Bend Between Us". The lyrics are - 
"I will race you to the waterside, 
And from the edge of Ireland shout out loud
So they can hear it in America,
It's all for you."
Man, that Gary can write.


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